3 social proofs that get clients

(5 min read) Twitter ghostwriter Jason Levin on the value of DMs, simple answers and Twitter (X?). Featuring Beehiiv, Typefully, Midjourney, Photoshop, Amazon, Stripe, Notion, and Wealthfront.

The Creator

It makes me really happy when somebody I write for goes viral. We're texting about it. We're super excited on the phone…I love that feeling!

Jason Levin’s newsletter, Cyber Patterns, is one of my favorites…but that’s not his core business (yet).

Jason uses social media to build his credibility among startup founders and VCs.

That target audience then ends up paying him to ghostwrite for their own socials.

This model of social-driving-services is very lucrative.

Let’s get into it!


The Business



Jason’s ghostwriting clients pay him $4000-$6000/month to write as them on Twitter. How did he get such lucrative clients?

It starts with social proof.

I have the most social proof on Twitter. I have almost 20,000 followers. I've gone viral dozens of times.

Jason’s POV on Twitter (X?) runs counter to the common narrative that the platform is declining.

The smart, wealthy, powerful people are all there…The startups and VCs, we rule the thing now.

I was curious what he thinks is driving this shift.

It's just a very cool culture where you never know. Elon has liked my tweet…Mark Andreessen followed me…and it's not just the VC world!

Creators in general, from MrBeast to whoever, are there responding and engaging with their fans and talking to them.

I'm very, very bullish on Twitter, X, or whatever the hell it's called.

(Side note - This frustrated confusion over Twitter vs X is a good lesson in the need for consistency in branding.)

As Jason accrued social proof on Twitter, he was able to acquire customers through a simple 2-step system:

  1. DM a prospective client on Twitter with a simple qualifying question.

It's really just reaching out to founders and saying - literally, it could be one or two sentences - “Are you hiring writers?”

All I'm looking for when I send a DM is “Yes” or “No”

This simple binary system saves energy by weeding out the riff-raff. Anyone who answers “No” is immediately disqualified; “Yes” answers are worth continuing the discussion.

  1. Pitch services, leveraging social proof.

Then I sell myself, but what's cool about sending DMs versus cold emails is that all your social proof is tied there. So they can see I already have a few thousand followers, and now they see the mutual followers, they see their friends follow me, they see who I've worked with.

Social proof comes in many forms, and Jason mentions 3 here:

  1. Big numbers - Metrics that show influence or power e.g. follower count

  2. Mutuals - People you know that they also know (and, ideally, would vouch for you - though many will never do that diligence)

  3. Big names - VIPs in your network that validate your credibility

Like any good services offering, Jason transitioned over time from outbound sales to a referral-driven business.

Without making the early effort to reach out, though, he wouldn’t be where he is.

Jason loves ghostwriting - especially his client relationships:

I think that's why people like working with me - we're texting one-on-one. It's more like a friendship relationship, we both are in it for the long term.

Still, like any great creative, he ultimately wants independence.

The end goal is to be doing [Cyber Patterns] full-time, and just be working on my books.

To get there, he’ll need to make a lot more money from his newsletter. He’s focused on pursuing a subscription model for Cyber Patterns.

I think 2021, 2022, newsletter ad money was just easy. It was just printing money.

But…a lot of ad-based companies are dying while the subscription-based ones are doing just fine.

The Stack

Email / Website - Beehiiv

Membership - Beehiiv

Advertising - Beehiiv + direct sales

*Disclosure - Creator Logic is published via Beehiiv

I met the founder via Twitter…he saw my newsletter on Substack and hit me up two years ago, trying to sell me on Beehiiv.

I was curious what got Jason to make the switch from Substack.

Beehiiv doesn't take a percentage of paid subscriptions. That was a big thing.

I think the customization around design was [also] something that was important.

Two interesting points here:

  1. Jason bet on himself. Even though he wasn’t (and still isn’t) making big money on his newsletter, he opted to pay a monthly fee (~$100/mo) to avoid needing to pay 10% of revenue in success.

  2. Jason prioritized design. Platforms like Substack and Patreon sacrifice aesthetic customizability for accessibility, but aesthetic is a big part of Cyber Patterns’ strategy.

Newsletter Design - Midjourney + Photoshop

Creative Inspiration - Readwise

It's really cool. It takes your Kindle highlights and turns them into a dashboard and then turns them into note cards and also imports them into Notion…It totally 10xed my game, where I could just search through any quote I've ever read or any quote I've ever highlighted.

Payment Processing - Stripe

It beats sending invoices and chasing down clients every day. I have some clients who forced me to do that and it fucking sucks, so I'd rather take the fee.

Affiliates - Amazon Affiliates + Beehiiv Boosts + Direct to Company

I'm not running some affiliate niche website kind of thing. It's really just like here and there, I'll take the extra 20 bucks or whatever.

Book Publishing - Altamira Studio

I thought about self publishing my book and tried doing that, but for whatever reason, it kept getting taken down from Amazon.

The book is about meme marketing, and Amazon doesn't let “meme” be in the title or in the content because of potential issues. They just don't want to risk getting in trouble.

So I was forced to find a publisher for it, and she ended up being interested. Our deal is very fair, and it's been a lot of fun working with her.

Content Management - Notion

Jason has a Notion template he uses as a content dashboard for all of his and his clients’ Tweets!

Want it? Refer Creator Logic to a friend and I’ll send it to you:

Brainstorming - Otter

I use Otter to transcribe ideas that I have when I'm on a walk.

Credit Cards - United Business Card

The United Club is cool. I would recommend that. Just as a creator, you get a quieter environment at the airport. Honestly, worth it.

Banking - Traditional Bank + Wealthfront

Because of the dangerous nature of my career as a Creator…I have basically all of my money in a cash account earning like 5% APY….

I know I'm losing out on potential gains in stocks, but I sleep better at night…

I think Creators should think about that. Stop trying to make the extra bucks on stocks and just save that shit and do the safe thing.

Accounting - Quickbooks + TurboTax

Communication - Text + Slack

Content Scheduling and Distribution - Typefully

I'm logged into like 10 Twitters on there. I use that for all my stuff.

Video Distribution - Direct to Platform

Video Production - Descript + Streamable.com + Editor

I've had a bunch of Twitter threads blow up where I download a Jim Carrey speech and then write about it and combine a thread, a tweet, and video, by cutting it on Streamable and then adding captions.

I was curious if there were any content rights issues there.

No, not on Twitter. Twitter... people release full movies on Twitter.

Thanks for reading!

My mission is to enable a million people to find freedom in the Creator Economy.

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